Monday, January 16, 2012

So...we bought a house...

For as long as dwellings have been being built, renovations and improvements to them have been ongoing.  Thanks to home improvement television, the buzz-concept ‘house flipping’ has been brought to the forefront. 

I’m sure many of you, like us, have sat in front of your television wondering if you could attempt to knock down a wall for that desirable open floor-plan, re-finish hard wood flooring (easy right?), or put in some of the ever-popular granite counter top and have everything magically synchronize to make enough profit to not work for the rest of your life.  Well, it’s not going to be easy, but we have decided to take on this task.  We’re not sure if we are crazy or if this really could be a good idea (probably somewhere in between), but we are definitely one thing--excited.

Cue 3311 Fairfield--our new baby (for lack of any real children).  As of tomorrow, we will officially own our first fixer-upper, and as you can see in our before pictures, the floral wall paper and matching curtains and carpet, it most certainly needs the fixing-upping!

We welcome you to follow us as we blog our way through the journey.  The plan is to share details of our projects along the way, give suggestions and tips, and welcome any questions and suggestions you have too!

--Brian and Katie


  1. People with passion need something to pour that into, I think this will be a great and rewarding experience for you two, if I can be of any assistance let me know, I am excited to see what you can do with this blank canvas.

  2. Thanks KW! It not building a house from the ground up, but it feels like the next closest thing.
